Melanie Brady, Ed.D., University of Southern California, Rossier School of Education
Jane Rosenthal, Ed.D., Assistant Dean, School of Applied
Life Sciences, Keck Graduate Institute
Christopher P Forest, MSHS, DFAAPA, PA-C University of Southern California, Keck
School of Medicine, Division of Physician Assistant Studies
Problem Statement
of educational technology to engage learners continues to grow at a rapid pace.
Studies of effectiveness of clicker use find that when clickers are utilized
with research-based instructional strategies the learning experience in large
lectures is enhanced2. In a study with undergraduates (n=198)
metacognitive self-regulation seems to improve when clickers were utilized in
this manner. Comparison (low technology) and experimental (clickers) methods
each demonstrated significance influence on learner metacognition, clickers
with the summer cohort and the comparison method with the fall. However, when
performance outcomes and qualitative data were factored in, clickers
demonstrated a high degree of significance (p>
.01). This current mixed methods study of audience response systems and metacognition
investigates whether the experience for graduate health science candidates (e.g.,
1st year Physician Assistant candidates 2013 and 2014) is consistent with the undergraduate experience
and to what degree between graduate cohorts (2013-2014).
The importance of these investigations lies in the
growing body of research that self-regulated and metacognitively aware learners
tend to have improved outcomes and that metacognition and self-regulation are
teachable. Research suggests when clickers are utilized with instructional
strategies (e.g., questioning and peer instruction), performance outcomes
increase and metacognition may be affected. Metacognition, the regulation of
cognition and self-knowledge, is an essential component in the learning process
in order to become a self-regulated learner. This mixed methods comparative
study examines the extent to which high-tech devices (clickers) and low-tech
devices (paddles) affect learner metacognition. This study extends our 2013 mixed methods
examination of clickers and metacognition conducted with 1st year
Physician Assistant candidates and further comparison between clickers and
paddles.,1,2 If the data
generated by the two years is not robust enough, a third cohort is proposed for
fall 2015 to increase the strength of results and potential for generalization.
The response device that
more effectively influenced metacognition would be associated with higher performance outcomes. Based
on the results of the undergraduate study we predicted that use
of clickers would lead to less social comparison which could enable more
productive learning; use of paddles would lead to more social comparisons that
could interfere with the learning process.
Data were collected from 54 graduate candidates in
2013 and 51graduate students in 2014 during a behavioral sciences course. Clickers were used during weeks 1-5 of the
course and a low technology response system (paddles) during weeks 8-12.
Paddles are handmade signs are held up to indicate preferred answers (A-E);
this method was selected for comparison as an analogous system to clickers in
that it provides a quick visual check of student responses that allows
participants to be polled once as opposed to raising hands several times for a
multiple choice question. This comparative, mixed-methods study employs several
measurement instruments and a pre- and post-test design to compare the two
response systems. The components of metacognition of interest in this study are
Metacognitive Judgments and Monitoring and Metacognitive control and
instrument. In the first week of the course, pre-test
data and demographic information were collected. Questions from the Motivated
Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ)3 served as the
pre-post-test instrument. Two instruments that measure feedback systems and
metacognition1 were administered at week 5 (experimental/clickers)
and at week 10 (comparison/paddles) Metacognition
in Lecture Survey2 (2013-clickers, α = .910; 2013-paddles α =
.935; 2014-clickers α = .806; 2014-paddles
α = .888) measures metacognitive self-regulation experienced by learners in
lecture through changes in learning behavior inside or outside of lecture and Metacognition Attribution to Response Device
Scale (2013-clickers, α = .723; 2013-paddles α = .704; 2014-clickers α
= .681; 2014-paddles α = .827) measures
the level of metacognitive influence that learners believe to experience as a
direct result of the use of the polling method. Mean quiz scores from the first
5-week session served as the measure of performance outcomes for clicker use,
and the mean participation scores for weeks 6-10, for the comparison treatment
instrumentation. Participants completed an on-line
qualitative survey using Qualtrics©
that consisted of open-ended questions to elicit reflections about response
device use. Interviews were conducted
using purposeful sampling using the following criteria: 1) low mean scores
indicating little metacognitive influence attributed to clicker/paddle use; 2)
mean scores in the median range indicating a moderate-to-neutral influence; and
3) high mean scores indicating a strong influence.
High comfort level and prior use of audience
response systems were reported by 60% of participants from the 2013 cohort and
100% of participants from the fall 2014 cohort on the initial survey. Two tailed t-test for dependent means were
conducted to examine between groups differences in metacognitive self-regulation,
the pre-post-post –MSLQ), and
performance outcomes (e.g., in lecture clicker quizzes. Significance was not
found between the Graduate Health Science 2013 and 2014 cohorts on the
pre-post-post-test administration, but significance was found with metacognition
instrumentation. Lack of significance between pre-post-post-test between groups
indicates group similarities which increases the potential strength of results
and ability to generalize. The first post-test administration followed use of
clickers, the second post-MSLQ following the comparison method
(low-technology). This indicates that learners in both cohorts gauged
individual metacognitive self-regulation similarly at the start of the course,
following the treatment method (clickers) and following the comparison
(low-technology polling).
Differences were found on formative performance
assessments between the 2013 cohort (M = 87.38, SD
= 5.86 and the 2014 cohort: (M=75.41, SD=6.27)
demonstrating differences in metacognition during lecture of the two groups (t(52) = 10.263, p = .001). Significance
was demonstrated between groups for both instruments measuring influence of
metacognition during lecture, and the attribution of metacognition to the
response device (t(52) =
4.84, p = .001; t(48) = 5.83, p =
.001). Qualitative analysis results were
similar between groups. Clickers were perceived as a more effective way to
monitor learning and the low technology method resulted in conformity and
reduced pressure to prepare for lectures. Differences occurred in that a small
portion of the 2014 cohort suggested that the low technology system created
opportunities for discussion and learning and was enjoyable while the majority
of peers in the same cohort did not share this opinion, nor did the 2013
cohort. Reports of positive learning experiences with paddle use tended to accompany indications of relief at the ability to rely on group lieu of individual preparation when schedules were busy
Quantitative results indicate that clickers
influence learner metacognition more so than low technology response devices,
suggesting that conceptual understanding may be clarified through use of
clicker items and interactive teaching strategies (e.g., questioning, and peer
instruction) leading to improved formative feedback for enhanced learning. Both
cohorts indicated that clickers strongly influenced peer comparisons, consistently
positively influencing the learning process. Clickers can improve accuracy of
metacognitive judgments and influence strategies utilized for learning outside
of lecture. Qualitative results suggest that graduate learners are more
confident in strategies utilized for note-taking in lecture and for preparation
for lecture. Several learners reported changing answers based on peer
responses, and feeling less pressure to prepare for lecture when the low
technology system was utilized. Focus of clickers on independent learning
improved ability to monitor learning and results indicate that learners are
more apt to prepare for lecture with individual response component.
1. Brady M, Rosenthal J, Forest C. Metacognition
and Performance Outcomes: An
Examination of the Influence of Clickers with 1st Year Graduate; in progress.
2. Brady ML, Seli H, Rosenthal J.
Metacognition and the influence of polling
systems: How do clickers compare with low technology systems? Educ Technol Res Dev. 2013;61:885-902.
3. Pintrich, PR, Smith DAR, Garcia T, McKeachie WJ. Reliability and predictive validity of the motivated strategies for learning questionnarie (MSLQ). Educ Psychol Meas. 1993;53(3):801-813.